Time is running out for the global community to create the transformative change needed to address our planetary crises. The implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework (GBF) is of vital importance to our response. To that end, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) in partnership with the CBD Secretariat, and with generous funding from the Global Environment Facility (GEF), are implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework Early Action Support (GBF-EAS) Project. The main project objective is to fast-track readiness and early actions to implement the post-2020 GBF by providing financial and technical support to 138 countries.
CBD Parties will be mobilized through this project to take early action on the post-2020 GBF with a focus on four components: 1) rapid review of NBSAPs for alignment with the post-2020 GBF; 2) assessment of monitoring systems; 3) policy and institutional alignment and review of policies for coherence with the GBF; and 4) biodiversity finance activities. Financial and technical support is being provided through two pathways: first, grants from the GEF to eligible Parties; and second, a globally coordinated technical support service.
Representatives from eligible countries are invited to a global inception workshop. The event will begin with UNDP and UNEP introducing the GBF-EAS project and the associated tools and guidelines. The supporting agencies will provide an overview of the project components, and the timeline and implementation modality. Time will be allocated for questions in English, French and Spanish. Through interactive presentations and dynamic discussions, this side event will inform and foster collaboration among the participating countries, providing the foundation needed to successfully take early action on the GBF. This event is highly aligned with the COP 15 objectives and will be complemented by a Help Desk throughout the duration of the conference.
Task Force:
Event Type:
Community Event