In January 2021, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment (MEE) released Guiding Opinions on Integrating and Strengthening Efforts in Climate Actions and Ecological and Environmental Protection, which prioritizes holistic governance approaches to “integrating, coordinating and strengthening” climate and ecological and environmental conservation.” Nature-based solutions (NbS) are identified in the guidance as a priority, as a means to:
Mitigate and adapt to climate change, coordinating efforts to promote biodiversity protection and ecosystem restoration, taking the holistic approach to conserving mountains, rivers, forests, lakes and grasslands, enhancing the capability to adapt to climate change, and improving the quality and stability of ecosystems. In addition, urban-based solutions/urban green and blue infrastructure deliver multiple benefi ts for human health.
Interest in NbS at the international, national, and sub-national levels of government—among the business community and across conservation, climate mitigation, adaptation, freshwater management, agro-ecological regenerative food systems, and other communities—has increased in recent years. NbS are widely seen as supporting nature-positive and carbon-neutral pathways and as means to bridge the Kunming and Glasgow multilateral agendas.
Complimentary Reading:
Evaluating NBS
Nature-Based Solutions (NbS)
Nature-Based Solutions (NbS)