The 8th Dialogue on Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) taking place on 26 August 2020 is for Asia and the Pacific.
ACE denotes work under Article 6 of the UNFCCC and Article 12 of the Paris Agreement and their six elements: Climate Change Education, Training, Public Awareness, Public Access to Information, Public Participation, and International Cooperation on these issues. Implementation of all six elements is recognized as crucial in solving climate change. This is also reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals (for example SDG targets 4.7 and 13.3) to which the ACE agenda is closely related.
The objective of the Dialogue is to provide a forum for Parties and other non-Party stakeholders to advance the discussions on recommendations and views on future work to enhance implementation of Action for Climate Empowerment. Virtual regional dialogues aim at providing background to and sharing knowledge among Parties and non-Party stakeholders of each region, bringing all onto the same page regarding the current status of ACE implementation. The in-person session will allow participants to further elaborate on the issues discussed during the virtual dialogues, which will inform the negotiation at the 52nd session of SBI.
Task Force:
Global Governance and Ecological Civilization
Event Type:
Community Event