Through political mobilization, we should promote the formation of a strong political signal within the global biodiversity framework, and let countries take practical actions to transform biodiversity conservation strategies; further improve the ecological conservation redlining (ECR) delineation technology and methods, improve the ability of ecological conservation redlining to biodiversity conservation and carbon neutralization, and form ecological conservation redlining delineation toolkit that can be promoted at country level, and provide technical support for the promotion of the ecological conservation redlining in the BRI countries; through the research on Aichi Targets, SPS Climate will put forward the unified protection targets and the localized national protection targets for all countries; the SPS team will scientifically plan the priority conservation zones at ecological and regional scale, formulate feasible regional management schemes and biodiversity conservation plans and actions, and provide evidence support for the post 2020 conservation targets.
In order to achieve the above goals, the following eight tasks will be carried out:
1. analysis for translating strong political wills to an ambitious and transformational post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework;
2. Study on global conservation area targets;
3. Biodiversity conservation planning in Asia countries;
4. Optimization of ECR delimitation technology;
5. International promotion of ECR for Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) and other international ecological, climate change and biodiversity conservation;
6. Cross-cutting Nature of Biodiversity: towards Mainstreaming and Synergies;
7. Post 2020 Biosecurity: Global Emergency to Ecological Civilization;
8. Post-COP 15 Analysis for Fast Track Implementation.
For more information, please contact:
QIONG Wu [email protected]
LUO Maofang [email protected]
Task Force:
Global Governance and Ecological Civilization
Event Type:
SPS Event