The years of 2014 and 2015 are critical for achieving a range of energy, environment, and carbon intensity targets set for the current 12th Five-Year Plan (FYP) period. It is also a critical moment for the implementation of the Action Plan for Air Pollution Prevention and Control, which aims to significantly improve air quality by 2017. A new People’s Republic of China (PRC) Law on Air Pollution Prevention and Control was approved on August 29, 2015 and will come into force in January 2016, which will open up new opportunities to address Short-Lived Climate Pollutants (SLCPs) and Non_road Mobile Sources (NRMS). The new Air Law explicitly links air pollution and climate change as issues that need to be coordinated together.
Task Force: National Green Governance System Year: 2015 Phase: Phase V (2012-2017)Coordinated Actions for Addressing Climate Change